Using ZfcUser with Apigility, Part 1
As part of my ongoing quest to build out a REST and RPC API using Apigility, I've been working on integrating ZfcUser into an Apigility application. The first fruit of this labour — LdcZfcUserOAuth2 — is now available on my GitHub.
What is it?
LdcZfcUserOAuth2 is a module which integrates ZfcUser into the OAuth2 authentication process (zf-oauth2
module). This is accomplished by creating a custom storage adapter for oauth2-server-php
which delegates the account lookup and authentication to ZfcUser. A custom authentication adapter is also injected into ZfcUser's authentication chain to override the hard-coded references to Zend\Session
This module should also work with ZfcUserDoctrineORM
and ZfcUserDoctrineMongoODM
I, though haven't yet tested that myself.
How do I get it?
GitHub: LdcZfcUserOAuth2
Packagist: adamlundrigan/ldc-zfc-user-oauth2